Now, you probably want me to prove I can actually write for other people too…

Check out some of my work!

Propell Property

What I did and how I said it:

Property investment blogs, emails and social media copy.
Through an informative, yet personable tone, Propell's relationship-based services are promoted in a way that's not too salesy, nor too real estate agenty.

What I wrote:

Taking the punt to get things going, is the key to succeeding at smashing our goals. It doesn’t matter what it is, business, health and fitness, or financial. 

Having the confidence to just take that first step is what really matters. Why? Because at the end of the day…
Action breeds action, and activity breeds activity.

Conversely, inaction and procrastination can start a cycle of stagnancy – when you want to achieve a goal, that’s definitely not ideal.  

Holistic Wellness Centre- Fleur Rejuvenation

What I did and how I said it:

Monthly Captioning Services.
Informative, yet engaging and fun written content, promoting science-based skin and wellness treatments.

What I wrote:

We’ve got your back (and your face… and the rest of you)!
 One of the easiest and most important strategies for minimising acne is to not stress over it! As silly as that may seem, stressing over it will raise your cortisol levels causing more inflammation in the body and skin.
 Why do we love our clinic?
 Fleur is a place of love, nourishment and peace.
Feeling safe, heard and respected in a place of health and wellbeing is so important, because it is truly about your experience. We combine that blissful feeling when you leave a spa, with results-focused skin solutions – it’s what you deserve.

Eye Geeks – Optometrist

What I did and how I said it:

Full Website Copy Redevelopment. 
Blog Writing
Finding the balance between friendly conversation and
in-depth knowledge and expertise was key here. 

What I wrote:

aɪ giːks: noun
The perfect mix of optometric passion and professional expertise – with a touch of geekiness. 
Our tears are a delicate composition of mainly water and oil. They don’t just come out when we’re sad – our tears function to help ensure our eyes are properly lubricated at all times. 
How do we diagnose Keratoconus?
Topography. Like the earth, our eyes have hills and valleys that affect our vision.

Tourism Company - Tuscany Adventure Tours

What I did and how I said it:

Full Website Copy Creation. 
These words centred around a balance between luxury and a once in a lifetime local experience. 

What I wrote:

Experience Tuscany like a local – with the locals!
Bike with us as we explore the wonders of Tuscany’s hillside trails… end the day with a post-ride massage and a glass of local Italian wine at your country Agriturismo oasis. We will treat you to our very favourite local food at the most incredible trattorias, and finest restaurants in Tuscany. 
Rolling hills, trattorias, lush countryside and great food and wine – our unique, small group guided bike and leisure tours through the heart of Tuscany will have you feeling like a local.

Photographer – Lilly at Dawn

What I did and how I said it:

Elopement and Wedding photography blog writing and research.
Super informative, yet quirky and fun blogs that help, families and couples navigate their photography experiences!

What I wrote:

How exciting is a wedding day? Even if it’s not your own wedding, the build-up and thrill of the coming day still always brings some nerves, stress and tension- So, it’s definitely possible that this sense of stress and worry can be amplified come your big day!
But, you know what? This stress and worry ain’t necessary, in fact, there’s a great way that we can mitigate this. A special little thing called a TIMELINE :)

 Peninsula Chamber Musicians

What I did and how I said it:

Promotional print copy
Inherently formal orchestra-speak, mixed with some well-bridled excitement to announce the New Year’s plans.

What I wrote:

After such an extended break, we are looking forward to once again forming as a group to practice some beautiful music, including both well-loved classics and some lesser-known surprises. Most of all we are looking forward to welcoming our audience back and seeing everyone after two incredibly tumultuous years. Bring on 2022!

Customer Service Small Business – First Assistant

What I wrote:

Providing tailored customer support and administration packages is our field of expertise. We take away the back-end pain, allowing you to truly excel as a professional in YOUR field. Whether you’re a fitness trainer or a tradie, we can help you out!
Ambitious in nature, we aim to help you turn what may seem impossible, into the normal, everyday and very POSSIBLE.

What i did and how i said it

Full website copy creation
Confident, professional and understanding, this copy focused on conveying know-how with a friendly small biz touch.

IT Services – Biz 365

What I did and how I said it:

Monthly Captioning Services for Instagram, Facebook and Linkedin.
In-depth and comprehensive written content to inform and engage a targeted audience of professional businesses.

What I wrote:

At Biz365, we strive to create value for our clients through high-quality technology and software services.
We pride ourselves on our service, and through Sign365, this is no different. We offer local and dedicated support for our product, and with over 10 years of knowledge and expertise in the industry, we’ve got your back.

Are you interested in streamlining your business’ forms with Sign365?

Reach out via our website, or give us a call on …, we’d love to help.



 I found that I could hand off work to him and he'd whip it up super-quickly at a really great standard - really embodying the voice of whichever client it was that he was writing for! I didn't have to worry that Lochie didn't 'get' their brand voice because he just slipped into it super seffortlessly and took on whichever structure was needed at the time with minimal instructions - which made things really easy for me.

ASH - The Social Creatives

"Lochie was super easy to work with, with a really clear and straightforward process."

Bianca – Blog client

"Work was always very consistent, high quality and on-time!"

keana – Propell property

"Thank you again for all that you do – our newsletter has never been at a higher open  rate (30% + each week)"

Overall, I’m so happy with my content! Everything has exceeded my expectations! It’s the first time I’ve outsourced writing and it was a breeze. The whole process was so seamless.

Jamie – First Assistant

"The language Lochie used in my content spoke so clearly and directly to my target audience!"

He can take some pretty average scribbles and keywords and turn it into amazing and witty content, that not only is easy and pleasant to read but actually helps your business grow! Cannot recommend enough!

Gabby – Gabrielle Jean Media

"Lochie is such a talented writer!"

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