'Lochie can take some average scribbles and keywords and turn them into amazing, witty content.'

'Lochie really embodied the voice of whoever he wrote for.'

'Lochie used language that spoke to my audience so clearly and directly.'

'The whole process was so seamless.'

I work alongside businesses to help convey their unique value
 through clear, insightful and entertaining written content. 


stared at your screen for 30 minutes trying to write a caption?

ever written a fancy email, and then read it back wanting to cry?

ever struggled to actually say, in words, what your biz actually is about?

I’d bet you answered YEP to at least 1 of these – which means we should probably have a chat! 

Have you ever...

What do I do?

Website Copy

Let's make your website shine! Combine your epic biz with words that make your ideal client DROOL!


Content Writing

Emails, Blogs, Reports and Proposals to convey your expertise and provide ALL the necessary info.


Socials Copywriting

 I’m built to write concise, witty and insightful captions and promotional copy.


So who are you going to be working alongside to create this linguistic liquid gold?


Well, thanks for dropping by, I’m Lochie and I’m possibly the least sarcastic person you’ll ever meet.

Gross blocks of writing make me sleepy and grammatical errors make me sad.
I wanna work with YOU, so before we move on, do you feel like getting to know more about me?


Past Work

Fleur Rejuvenation

Lilly at Dawn

Propell Property

Biz 365


Need some proof that I'm not pulling your leg?



 I found that I could hand off work to him and he'd whip it up super-quickly at a really great standard - really embodying the voice of whichever client it was that he was writing for! I didn't have to worry that Lochie didn't 'get' their brand voice because he just slipped into it super seffortlessly and took on whichever structure was needed at the time with minimal instructions - which made things really easy for me.

ASH - The Social Creatives

"Lochie was super easy to work with, with a really clear and straightforward process."

Bianca – Blog client

"Work was always very consistent, high quality and on-time!"

keana – Propell property

"Thank you again for all that you do – our newsletter has never been at a higher open  rate (30% + each week)"

Overall, I’m so happy with my content! Everything has exceeded my expectations! It’s the first time I’ve outsourced writing and it was a breeze. The whole process was so seamless.

Jamie – First Assistant

"The language Lochie used in my content spoke so clearly and directly to my target audience!"

He can take some pretty average scribbles and keywords and turn it into amazing and witty content, that not only is easy and pleasant to read but actually helps your business grow! Cannot recommend enough!

Gabby – Gabrielle Jean Media

"Lochie is such a talented writer!"


You know what’s actually the secret?

Truly understanding you, your brand and what your audience wants is at the core of all of this. I pride myself on building that understanding through the fostering of a real connection.
Enough of this nerdy, introverted copywriter stereotype nonsense, I wanna get to know YOU. And then I wanna write that content that’s truly going to entice your dream clients.
Let’s be friends.

Creating insightful, engaging content... AND.

The secret to copywriting

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